Help - What is the Download Queue
The Download Queue is our way of helping you get the books you want on as many devices as you have. You can browse the library and select which books you want to download, but not download them right away. Instead, you add them to your Download Queue. Later, you open the App on any of your devices, go to
My Library and choose to
Get the Download Queue. This will download all the books you added previously to your Download Queue to the device. You can repeat the same step on any number of devices, as long as you are signed in with the same account on all of them.
Beware, though, that the default settings of the App is to automatically clear the Download Queue once it downloaded the books to any device. That means you will only get to download the contents of the Queue once. In order to change that behaviour, you will need to go to the
Settings page on your App and uncheck the box that reads
Automatically clear my Download Queue when Download finishes.
Adding books to the Download Queue is easy. If you are viewing the book from a browser and you are signed in, you will see a link that says
Get the book. Click on this link and your book will be automatically added to your Download Queue. If you are viewing the book from our App, you will see a green download button on the left side of the book cover. Tap this button and it will show a menu that gives you the option to download the book right away, or add it to the Download Queue.
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