Layla Cultural Platform

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Using the App

1. Getting Latest News

To get the latest news, follow these steps:

2. Searching the library

To search for a specific title or an author in our library, follow these steps:

3. Browsing the library catalogue

To browse the library catalogue for books in a certain language or category, follow these steps:

4. Editing Your Local Library

Books should be downloaded to your local device before you can read them. If you want to see which books you have on local media, or if you want to delete local files of a certain book to free space, you can do it be following these steps:

5. Getting Your Download Queue

If you have added books to your Download Queue and you want to get them on your device, you need to follow these steps:

6. Creating a New Chatroom

Chatrooms are useful to let people come together and discuss books, authors, and other events that are related to books and culture in general. You can not create a chatroom to discuss your personal life or connect with your friends, there are social media sites that are better suited for that purpose.
To create a new chatroom, follow those steps:

7. Joining a Chatroom

Chatrooms are useful to let people come together and discuss books, authors, and other events that are related to books and culture in general. You can not create a chatroom to discuss your personal life or connect with your friends, there are social media sites that are better suited for that purpose.
To join a chatroom, follow those steps:

8. Logging in to your account

If you have an account on Layla Cultural Platform, you can log in as follows:

9. Signing up for a new account

If you don't have an account on Layla Cultural Platform, you can create an account as follows:

10. Using Your Mailbox

There are two types of mailboxes on Layla Cultural Platform, both accessible only to registered members:
  1. Author Mailbox: You get this mailbox only if you registered yourself with us as an author. If you are a registered author, this is where you can read messages sent to you from your readers and followers. You can also broadcast a message to all your followers from this mailbox.
  2. Member Mailbox: All members get this mailbox. This is where we send you notifications about new book additions and important events. It is also where you can send messages to your favourite authors, and read their replies.
To access your mailbox, do the following:

11. Changing your system preferences

You can change some aspects of the behaviour of the App by following these steps:

12. Getting Help

Help is available on most of the windows and dialogs of our Apps. On an Android device, you will need to tap on the Three Dots that are found on the right-side of the toolbar. From there, you can select About Us, FAQs, or Help to read about these topics.
On an iOS device, you will find only one button named Help. This will open the Help window which contains all of the above-mentioned items. You are free to browse and read the help to learn more about how to use and interact with the platform.
If, for any reason, you are unable to view Help on the App, you can always read help online.