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We provide most of our books in the LCP eBook format, which is our signature file format. In order to read LCP eBooks, you will need to download one of our free readers.

Select the reader appropriate to your operating system. Download and install the reader, and start reading immediately!

MS Windows

Download the Windows installer (about 8.5 MB). Double click the downloaded file and follow the instructions to install the software. You can open the reader from the Start menu.


Download the DMG installer (about 80.1 MB). Double click the downloaded file to install the software. You can open the reader from the Launcher.

Fedora Linux 26 RPM

Download the RPM package (about 7.7 MB). Double click the downloaded file to install the software. You can open the reader from the Applications menu.

GNU/Linux Source RPM

If you are using another distro (apart from Fedora), download the Source RPM package (about 8.7 MB). You can use the source RPM to build the package for your distro.

Other GNU/Linux

If you are using another Operating System (like Debian or Ubuntu), you can download the JAR file (about 7.8 MB). You will need to have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed to be able to run the software.